By: DR ROBERT L. BARD, Cancer Diagnostic Imaging Specialist
For the many Americans who seek a significantly improved lifestyle or an upgrade in personalized healthcare, getting better answers about our state of health is paramount. What goes into our "standard of care" is no longer acceptable to the the vast majority of general consumer. These same consumers have since been educated in what's available as far as intelligent alternative modalities from highly qualified and educated professionals that have proven wellness success in their respective specialty practices. The visionary paradigm that makes up FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE is defined as individualized medical care that recognizes the interactions between genetic and environmental factors and between the body's interconnected systems. True personalized care is patient-centered care. Subscribing to a FUNCTIONAL TESTING, MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGY offers the ideal launch pad to a platform of true wellness and disease prevention. It is for this innovative minset to problem-solving that we are proud to welcome Dr. Joshua Berka as one of the "Get Smarter about Cancer" lecture series.
Dr. Berka is double board-certified and licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) as well a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (FMCP). He is passionate about Integrative, Preventative, Functional and Regenerative Medicine and is an advocate for personalized patient-centered care. Dr. Berka has been in clinical practice for 17 years and serves as a medical consultant supporting innovative medical technologies that non-invasively improve patient treatment outcomes as well as adjunctive therapeutics that can be used as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Berka has been a consultant within the med-tech space for the past 15 years and currently consults for BEMER Group (news source-
transcript by: Dr. Joshua Berka (10/25/2024)
I had the opportunity to work in the integrated field when I was in Los Angeles for over seven years, and to integrate the field of in integrative oncology. I trained more naturopathically functionally. Before we can get into the recurrence aspect, we have to look at the manifestation of this. Sure, we all have cancer in our body, but why this person expresses versus the next person, (and it's not just the genes), it's how those genes are being expressed. And so many cases exist within women's cancers -especially breast cancer. A lot of this is not just from the genetics- this is only one piece of this.
Another factor is that the victim maybe not able to circulate or clear out metabolic waste products. Our estrogens (both men and women) are broken up, built up and they're all built from cholesterol. And those metabolites can be sometimes a hundred times more toxic than the estrogens themselves. If that individual doesn't have the detox capacities, and then they're overwhelmed with, for instance, things within their environment, this sets up the perfect storm for that individual to have the (gene) expression.
I don't care if they're treated with conventional chemotherapy radiation; the root cause has not been addressed. And in this particular case, it's a hetero or a homozygous type of situation where they can be supportive in their ability to metabolize and clear those detrimental waste products, those metabolic waste products. So it might basically be something that is supporting the gene expression for a little gap versus thinking that cancer is here.
Let's use a targeted therapy (which is not really targeted in many cases) to take out that which is a disease. And from my perspective, I want to talk about cancer. As far as solid tumors (as opposed to lymphomas, leukemias and the like)- every time I have looked under my microscope looking at cancer or looking at measurements like Dr. Bard is doing, he's really looking functionally with ultrasound in real time during therapeutic interventions. I've done a lot of the same over the years and what I found, (without a doubt) is carcinogenic tissue is not functioning at the same level of energy production.
So back to bioenergetics mitochondria as healthy tissue, maybe we can envision it this way. This is how stem cells used to be replicated. Imagine, I mean, it's the season, it's the fall. All the trees are dropping their leaves and pine cones are dropping. They're doing this because winter is coming and that species and that grouping may not make it through another winter. So in hopes of survival. It's actually seeding its environment. If you take energy or you take a cell out of the body and you expose it to an environment that doesn't have fluid (dry), one of the first things it starts to do before it apoptosis is it actually starts to replicate. It differentiates into an embryological state and then starts to replicate. These cells are not necessarily functional, but it's a response/reaction to these environmental signaling. When treating individuals with cancer (not treating cancer) my primary goal is to target the mitochondrial bioenergetics and the functional utilization and transformation of energy with an individual.![]() |
Courtesy of Aspen Laser |
ELECTROMAGNETIC field therapy can also wirelessly inductively charge up these cells. So I think down the road, we have to rather look beyond a "kill, kill, kill" concept with these cells, and reintegrate and reprogram those cells back into the system.
What I was doing (research) was homing stem cells, enacting programming information into cells, not just with wireless signals but also with PEPTIDES. You don't need a viral vector to deliver that. You can actually deliver the signal in many ways, wirelessly or through aspects of light. --- To be continued---
Video News Release: Innovations in Early Detection ![]() |
So when I look at the predisposition of an individual, I don't just look at it from a structural perspective. There's the mental/emotional aspects, socioeconomics- and even down to a spiritual aspects. Unfortunately (or fortunately in some ways), these predispositions aren't just inherited on a genetic level. They're actually learned behaviors that we've observed from people who are close to us. But we've perceived as close who are around us, and "living styles" and habits- ways that we've learned to cope with stress in either a functional way or in a dysfunctional way. And so, when I look at this predisposition, it's a combination of elements- and not just "that's my parents' fault... these are the genes I got!". Unfortunately, that game's NOT TRUE. This it's a bit of 'MYTHinformation' because yes, you do have the propensity to express in a certain way, but not necessarily the predisposition.
That predisposition is a series of events or decisions that are made to allow that to be expressed. So why some people smoke their whole life and they don't get cancer, well is because they're not predisposed for that in essence. The predisposition of each individual needs to be really looked at on a personalized level of uniqueness-- what I just call PERSONALIZED PATIENT CENTERED MEDICINE. Rather than saying "here's the disease", let's find out exactly how you got it. It's important to find out the ideology of the cause, but it's more important to talk about RECURRENCE to prevent something that's occurred, even though when it was perceptually treated.
We can identify our predispositions or possibilities of (gene) expression of both health or disease by looking at the parents and you could say, oh, this person died of heart disease or ovarian cancer. But more so with early diagnostics, you can start looking at not just the genomic profiles, but you can start looking at functional diagnostics at a level of blood testing or saliva testing, looking at adrenal function, even looking at bits of certain types of carcinogenic DNA that's floating through the blood. From that perspective of predisposition, we can PREDICT nature. Once you know the predisposition of an individual, then you can predict the potential outcome.
It's going to be harsh for a lot of the doctors out there and is something that I've observed. (If you can prove me wrong, I ask you, please do so). This aspect of ANABOLIC versus CATABOLIC metabolism. Generally, cancer patients with a solid state tumor status are in a SYSTEMIC aspect of anabolic metabolism.
They're kind of stuck. #1: Cancer is a tumor, but it's a systemic disease. We have to understand this. #2: Cardiovascular disease or heart disease is more of a catabolic type of disease. So catabolic versus anabolic. I want to know if there's anybody who has ever seen cancer and heart disease happening simultaneously other than prostate cancer. This is a call out to the world. And I'm asking this because if we can just look at fundamental, basic anabolic catabolic cycles. We may be able to push these metabolic cycles- not just through diet, sleep & wake cycles, but also lifestyle medicine.
Most of lifestyle medicine is free. It doesn't cost a penny.
Saturday, September 21, 2024