VIEWPOINTS STEPHEN A. CHAGARES, MD FACS- Cancer Surgeon/ General,Laparoscopic, Robotic Surgery “A popular concern from people is contracting the virus from this vaccine; NO, it's a piece of RNA, and not a live virus. For this m-RNA virus, the vaccines that we have out now are extremely effective- over 95%. And for that other theory that 'they rushed the vaccine'... this vaccine came about when the government elected to fund over 125+ labs at once- researching and developing a working vaccine. They collected all that data, totaling about 62.5 years’ worth of science bunched into six months. And now that we can duplicate genetic sequencing, it's really helping to plug it in. So that even in the future, as other viruses come up, the companies are now able to plug that new RNA, whether it's M-RNA -- they'll be able to plug that in and put out a vaccine even quicker because now they have the technology to do it." ![]() "As a surgical
oncologist predominantly taking care of patients who have
cancer ...I believe it's important that all healthcare
providers be advocates and be transparent about their
experiences. I would like to encourage my patients to get the
vaccine but also those in communities where there's a lot of
medical mistrust and they may not have the resources to learn
about it. Currently, I am seeing a big drive in the healthcare community, probably 80-90% of physicians are getting the vaccine! I know in Texas are
enthusiastically receiving it because they want to protect
their immunocompromised patients, whether they be patients who
are actually on immunosuppressive or getting chemotherapy, or
they're elderly patients, diabetics who otherwise would have
risk factors. Healthcare providers are definitely stepping
forward and getting vaccinated more than I thought..." [The info provided in this statement is published - 3/17/2021]
ELLEN MATLOFF- Genetic Counselor/Founder - My Gene Counsel, LLC "(As of) today, more than 65M Americans have now received at least one dose of 1 of the 3 Covid-19 vaccines that currently have FDA approval in the United States (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J). That means that approximately 21% of all Americans have now received at least one vaccine dose. Yes, many people remain concerned to get a vaccine when their turns comes up in line. These concerns are understandable, and we should be empathetic to people feeling these concerns, since all 3 vaccines were developed in less than one year. However, we need to balance the risks of the vaccine against the risk of getting Covid-19, spreading it to friends, family and others, and developing long-hauler effects from Covid-19 that may last weeks, months, or may be permanent. " [The data provided in this statement is based on the date of this entry - 3/15/2021] REBECCA NAZARIO, MBA - VP of Consultative Care /The Medical Group of ChristianaCare Getting the vaccine is a key way that we can protect ourselves, our families, our community and our colleagues. The vaccine is safe and effective. Although its development happened quickly, it went through all the same kinds of testing and rigorous approval that any vaccine does. I posted my selfie on LinkedIn "getting the shot" because there's so much apprehension out there... especially in our minority communities. As a Cuban American I know there’s a lot of the mistrust and fear is based on rumors that run rampant through our communities, not the science. I strongly believe we can lead through example, and a picture is worth a thousand words! My goal is to be a small drop that creates a lot of ripples that ultimately instills more confidence. (see complete article)EVAN LUDIN - Hand and Occupational Therapy PLLC "Due to the many risks in outpatient care, I hope that my receiving the first dose and publicly promoting it will encourages cohorts, colleagues, patients and others to follow suit in registering to receive theirs. Pfizer, Moderna and so many others are reputable Biotech/Pharm companies with a long history of success in their respective field. This vaccine stands for so much today in the eye of public health and science. With the advancements in science, the opportunity to push forth with mRNA vaccines for other diseases and viruses sheds light on future health. With early work showing a 94/95% success rate, that demonstrates and presents an opportunity for those at risk for getting ill, or those at high risk due to comorbidities of getting ill a sense of hope and resolution..." (see full interview) * Opinions expressed in this VIEWPOINTS section are supportive comments about the contents of this article and are solely those from the contributors credited. |
The ARDS / Covid-19 Connection?
The widely promoted prevention protocols (of masking, distance and hand hygiene) have conditioned us all toward proactive health consciousness- driving us to want to learn more and stay in touch with the current pandemic updates. Public health agency sites like, and the are some of the top sources for these updates, offering a comprehensive list of resources and the latest proven information on personal safety, care, prevention and treatment solutions.
Meanwhile, medical experts and societies have also joined this worldwide coalition for public awareness and info-sharing. One such association is the IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America), a 50+ year old community of public health experts allied with major groups like the American Federation for Clinical Research (AFCR), the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), and the Association of American Physicians (AAP). The ISDA formed a branch called the Covid-19 Real-Time Learning Network, featuring a complete, well-maintained resource forum for the general public and the medical community. (see: link) This type of institutional resourcing brought full access to expert information, empowering the proactive researcher to a wider level of understanding- from current health news, updates on Covid safety guidelines and infection prevention.
What's REALLY in the Air? - Reviewing the Presence of SARS-Cov-2 Recent headlines show evidence of Coronavirus pathogens in hospital air supply and air passageways- creating a systemic hazard for the staff and patients under critical care. Reports showing "substantial controversy whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can be transmitted through aerosols.Initiatives are in full swing from health departments and hospital safety leaders to advance sanitization measures and decontamination initiatives in hospitals. Agencies indicate that without adequate environmental controls, patients with airborne infectious disases will pose a risk to other patients and healthcare workers. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) expertise is essential for proper environmental management when planning control of airborne infectious disease outbreaks. (see feature).
Disclaimer: The NY Cancer Resource Alliance publishes subscription based non-commercial news articles, educational reports and feature coverage for web distribution in the healthcare and cancer communities. All contributors are volunteers and submissions are provided to us at the discretion of the writer., and The HealthNews section of NYCRANEWS are free public educational programs published by The New York Cancer Resource Alliance (NYCRA) - a self-funded network of volunteers comprised of caregivers, accredited medical professionals, cancer educators, publishers and published experts, patient support clinicians and non-profit foundation partners whose united mission is to bring public education and supportive resource information to the community of patients, survivors and any individual(s) seeking answers about cancer. NYCRA is an exclusive, non-commercial private network originally established on the LINKEDIN digital society and is supported in part by the AngioFoundation whose mission is to share informative materials to the community. For more information, visit: Our VIEWPOINTS section shares editorial perspectives supporting the main topic(s) in is issue and the contributors credited may expand on the current topic, sharing other views that may or may not align directly with said topic, such that the publishers of this newsletter does not necessarily agree with, share or endorse.